Low Current System

ICT Networking

ICT Networking services enable communication and data exchange between devices and users through services such as network design, monitoring, security, cloud, wireless, unified communications, and virtualization. They are crucial for organizations to operate efficiently and securely in today’s digital age

Data Networking

Data Networking services involve designing and managing network infrastructure to facilitate the transfer of data between devices and systems. These services are essential for businesses to operate efficiently in today’s digital age

Wireless Networking

Wireless Networking services involve designing, implementing, and managing wireless network infrastructure to enable devices to connect and communicate without physical cables. These services are essential for businesses to provide mobility and flexibility to their employees and customers


Collaboration services refer to the set of tools and technologies that enable teams to work together and share information in a collaborative and productive way. They include services such as document sharingvideo conferencing, messaging, and project management tools. Collaboration services are essential for businesses to improve communication and collaboration among team members and increase productivity

Data Center

Data Center services involve managing and maintaining the physical and virtual infrastructure of a centralized location where an organization’s IT operations and equipment are housed. These services are essential for businesses to ensure the availability, security, and reliability of their critical IT systems and applications

Security System

Security System services protect an organization’s IT infrastructure, data, and assets from security threats through tools and technologies such as risk assessmentsecurity policy development, access control, intrusion detection and prevention, and incident response. They are crucial for maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information and operations.

Fire Alarm

Fire Alarm services refer to the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of fire detection and alarm systems in buildings or facilities. These services are essential for ensuring the safety of occupants by providing an early warning in the event of a fire.

UPS Solution

UPS Solution services refer to the provision of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems to ensure continuous power supply to critical systems and equipment in the event of a power outage. These services are essential for businesses to prevent data loss, system downtime, and equipment damage caused by power disruptions.

Professional Audio Visual And Lighting Solution

Professional Audio Visual and Lighting Solution services refer to the design, installation, and maintenance of high-quality audio, video, and lighting systems for various applications such as events, conferences, and entertainment venues. These services are essential for delivering an immersive and engaging experience for audiences and participants.

Jadwa Consultation


Consulting services refer to the provision of expert advice and guidance to businesses and organizations in various areas such as management, finance, marketing, and technology. These services are essential for helping businesses to identify and address challenges, make informed decisions, and achieve their goals.

Business continuity & Disaster recovery

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery services refer to the planning, implementation, and management of strategies and technologies to ensure that businesses can continue operating in the event of a disruption or disaster. These services are essential for minimizing downtime, data loss, and financial losses, and for ensuring that businesses can quickly recover from unexpected events.

Information Security Disaster recovery

Information Security Disaster Recovery services refer to the planning, implementation, and management of strategies and technologies to ensure the recovery of critical data and systems in the event of a security breach or cyber attack. These services are essential for minimizing the impact of data loss or theft, and for ensuring that businesses can quickly resume operations in the event of a security incident.

IT Strategy & Governance disaster recovery

IT Strategy & Governance Disaster Recovery services refer to the planning, implementation, and management of strategies and policies to ensure the alignment of IT operations with business objectives and to minimize the impact of disruptions or disasters. These services are essential for ensuring the efficient and effective use of IT resourcesminimizing risks, and ensuring business continuity in the event of a disaster or disruption.

IT Infrastructure Nance Disaster Recovery

IT Infrastructure Maintenance & Disaster Recovery services refer to the ongoing management and maintenance of IT infrastructure to ensure that it is operating efficiently and effectively, as well as the planning and implementation of strategies to ensure the recovery of critical data and systems in the event of a disruption or disaster. These services are essential for ensuring the reliability, availability, and security of IT systems and data, and for minimizing the impact of unexpected events.

Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Service Disaster Recovery

Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Service Disaster Recovery services refer to the planning, design, and management of the overall structure and components of an organization’s IT systems and services, as well as the strategies and technologies to ensure the recovery of critical data and systems in the event of a disruption or disaster. These services are essential for ensuring that IT systems and services are aligned with business goals, minimizing risks, and ensuring business continuity in the event of a disaster or disruption.

Oriented Architecture (SOA) Ture (EA) and Service Disaster Recovery

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Enterprise Architecture (EA) Disaster Recovery services refer to the planning, design, and management of the overall structure and components of an organization’s IT systems and services, with a focus on service-oriented architecture principles, as well as the strategies and technologies to ensure the recovery of critical data and systems in the event of a disruption or disaster. These services are essential for ensuring that IT systems and services are flexible, scalable, and aligned with business goals, and for minimizing risks and ensuring business continuity in the event of a disaster or disruption.

IT Compliance & Standardization

IT Compliance & Standardization Disaster Recovery services refer to the planning, implementation, and management of strategies and technologies to ensure that IT systems and operations comply with relevant regulations and industry standards, as well as the strategies and technologies to ensure the recovery of critical data and systems in the event of a disruption or disaster. These services are essential for minimizing risks, ensuring business continuity, and maintaining the integrity and security of IT systems and data.

Site Survey

Site Survey services refer to the assessment and analysis of a physical location or site to determine its suitability for a particular purpose, such as the installation of IT equipment or the construction of a building. These services are essential for identifying potential risks, challenges, and opportunities associated with a site, and for developing effective plans and strategies to address them.

Building Automation Management Solution

Access Control

Access Control services refer to the set of tools and technologies used to restrict access to physical spaces and digital resources. These services include activities such as identity verification, authentication, and authorization. Access Control services are critical for businesses to ensure the security and confidentiality of their assets and data.

Intrusion prevention system

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) services refer to the set of tools and technologies used to detect and prevent potential security breaches in a network or system. These services analyze network traffic and proactively block malicious activities to prevent attacks such as malware, phishing, and hacking. IPS services are essential for businesses to protect their sensitive data and IT infrastructure from security threats.

Master Clock

Master Clock services refer to the synchronization of time across various devices and systems within an organization. These services ensure that all devices, such as computers, phones, and security systems, are synchronized to the same time source, which is critical for maintaining accurate records, scheduling events, and ensuring secure access control.

Community Antenna Systems

Community Antenna Systems (CAS) services refer to the provision of cable TV and internet services to multiple users in a community or building through a shared antenna system. These services are essential for providing access to a range of entertainment and communication options in a cost-effective manner.

Nurse call system

Nurse Call System services refer to the installation and maintenance of an electronic system that enables patients in healthcare facilities to call for assistance from a nurse or caregiver. These systems are essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of patients by providing a quick and efficient means of communication with healthcare providers.

Hotel system

Hotel System services refer to the integration and management of various software and hardware systems used in hospitality, such as hotel reservation systems, point-of-sale systems, housekeeping management systems, and guest entertainment systems. These services are essential for ensuring smooth operations and providing guests with a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Guest room management systems

Guest Room Management System services refer to the installation and management of an automated system that controls and monitors various aspects of a hotel guest room, such as lighting, temperature, and entertainment systems. These services are essential for providing guests with a comfortable and personalized experience while also improving energy efficiency and reducing operational costs for the hotel.

Room locking systems

Room Locking System services refer to the installation and maintenance of electronic locking systems for hotel rooms, offices, and other spaces. These systems use key cards or other electronic devices to control access to the room, providing enhanced security and convenience for guests and employees.

Interactive and IP Television Systems

Interactive and IP Television Systems services refer to the installation and management of advanced television systems that provide interactive features, such as on-demand content, internet access, and video conferencing. These services are essential for providing guests with an immersive and personalized entertainment experience while also improving the efficiency of communication and collaboration in various settings, such as hotels and conference rooms.

Room safes & mini bars

Room Safes & Mini Bars services refer to the provision and maintenance of secure safes and mini bars in hotel rooms and other spaces. These services are essential for providing guests with a convenient and secure place to store their valuables and access refreshments and snacks.

Operation Maintenance managed Service

Operation & Maintenance Managed service

Operation & Maintenance Managed services refer to the ongoing management and maintenance of IT systems and infrastructure, including hardware, software, and networks. These services are essential for ensuring that IT systems and infrastructure are operating efficiently and effectively, minimizing downtime and disruptions, and maximizing business productivity and profitability.

Annual Preventive Maintenance

Annual Preventive Maintenance services refer to the scheduled maintenance and inspection of equipment and systems to prevent potential failures or malfunctions. These services are essential for ensuring the reliability and longevity of equipment and systems, reducing the risk of downtime and disruptions, and minimizing repair and replacement costs.

Guaranteed Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Guaranteed Service Level Agreement (SLA) services refer to the contractual agreement between a service provider and a customer, specifying the level of service quality, availability, and performance that the provider guarantees to deliver. These services are essential for ensuring that customers receive the expected level of service and for providing them with compensation or penalties in the event of service level breaches.

Remote System Backups Maintenance

Remote System Backups Maintenance services refer to the ongoing management and maintenance of remote backup systems to ensure the secure and reliable backup and recovery of critical data and systems. These services are essential for ensuring the availability and recoverability of data in the event of a disaster or disruption, minimizing data loss and downtime, and providing peace of mind to businesses and organizations.

Resident Engineers

Resident Engineers are technical experts who work on-site at a customer’s location to provide ongoing support and maintenance for IT systems and infrastructure. These services are essential for ensuring that IT systems and infrastructure are operating efficiently and effectively, minimizing downtime and disruptions, and maximizing business productivity and profitability.

24/7 Help Desk Support

24/7 Help Desk Support services refer to the provision of ongoing technical support and assistance to customers, employees, or end-users via phone, email, or chat, around the clock, every day of the year. These services are essential for providing immediate and reliable support and resolving technical issues quickly, minimizing downtime and disruptions, and ensuring business continuity and customer satisfaction.

Professional services Maintenance

Professional services Maintenance

Professional Services Maintenance services refer to the ongoing management and maintenance of professional services software and applications, such as accounting, legal, or consulting software, to ensure that they are operating efficiently and effectively. These services are essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of professional services organizations‘ financial and operational data, maximizing productivity and profitability, and minimizing the risk of data loss or security breaches.

Project management

Project Management services refer to the planning, execution, and control of projects to achieve specific goals and objectives, such as the development of new products or services, the implementation of new systems or processes, or the delivery of construction or engineering projects. These services are essential for ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards, and for minimizing risks and maximizing the value of project outcomes

Implementation Maintenance

Implementation Maintenance services refer to the ongoing management and maintenance of implemented IT solutions or applications to ensure they are operating efficiently and effectively. These services are essential for ensuring that IT solutions continue to meet business requirements, minimizing downtime and disruptions, and maximizing business productivity and profitability.

Engineering studies

Engineering Studies services refer to the analysis and evaluation of engineering designs, processes, and systems to identify potential risks, opportunities, and improvements. These services are essential for ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of engineering projects, reducing costs and delays, and improving the quality and sustainability of engineering solutions.

Engineering design tenance

Engineering Design Maintenance services refer to the ongoing management and maintenance of engineering designs, such as buildings, bridges, or roadways, to ensure that they are operating efficiently and effectively. These services are essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of engineering structures, minimizing downtime and disruptions, and maximizing the longevity and sustainability of engineering solutions.

Site network/ audits

Site Network Audits services refer to the evaluation and analysis of a site’s network infrastructure, including hardware, software, and security systems, to identify potential risks, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. These services are essential for ensuring that network systems are secure, reliable, and efficient, minimizing downtime and disruptions, and maximizing the value and performance of network infrastructure.

Telecom Sector


OSP services refer to the design, installation, and maintenance of Outside Plant (OSP) infrastructure, such as fiber optic cables, utility poles, and underground conduits, that are used to connect buildings and locations to telecommunications and network services. These services are essential for enabling high-speed, reliable, and secure communication and connectivity, minimizing downtime and disruptions, and improving business productivity and efficiency.

Microwave Transport and Network Backhaul

Microwave Transport and Network Backhaul services provide wireless communication systems to connect remote locations to a central network or data center, using microwave radio frequencies to transmit data and voice signals over long distances.

Last-Mile Broadband Wireless Connectivity

Broadband Wireless Connectivity services provide high-speed wireless internet connectivity to users, using various technologies such as Wi-Fi, LTE, and 5G. These services are essential for enabling businesses and individuals to access the internet and cloud-based services from anywhere, improving communication and productivity, and enhancing the overall user experience.

turnkey IBS Rollou

Turnkey IBS Rollout services provide complete end-to-end design, installation, and maintenance of indoor wireless communication systems for seamless and reliable wireless connectivity inside buildings and other indoor spaces.

3G/4G/5G RAN Audit

3G/4G/5G RAN Audit services refer to the evaluation and analysis of Radio Access Network (RAN) infrastructure, including hardware, software, and security systems, to identify potential risks, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. These services are essential for ensuring the performance, reliability, and security of RAN infrastructure, minimizing downtime and disruptions, and maximizing the value and efficiency of wireless communication systems.

3G/4G/5G RAN Optimization

3G/4G/5G RAN Optimization services refer to the ongoing management and improvement of Radio Access Network (RAN) infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. These services include network planning, configuration, and monitoring, as well as the implementation of new technologies and features. These services are essential for maximizing the capacity, coverage, and quality of wireless communication systems, improving user experience, and reducing costs associated with network operation and maintenance.

Physical Security

Physical Security

Physical Security services provide solutions to protect physical assets from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. They include access control systems, surveillance cameras, intrusion detection systems, and physical barriers. These services ensure safety and security, minimize risk, and improve the overall security posture of businesses and organizations.

Sliding Auxiliary Gate

A Sliding Auxiliary Gate is a type of gate that slides horizontally to allow access to a driveway or other entryway. These gates are typically installed alongside a larger gate, such as a swing gate or a rolling gate, to provide additional access points or to enhance security. Sliding Auxiliary Gates are often automated and can be controlled by a remote or keypad.

Road Blocker

A Road Blocker is a security device that is installed in roadways, parking lots, or other entryways to prevent unauthorized vehicle access. These devices are typically made of heavy-duty materials, such as steel or concrete, and can be raised or lowered to allow or deny access. Road Blockers are often used in high-security areas, such as government buildings, military bases, and airports, to prevent vehicle-borne threats and to enhance perimeter security.

Tire Killer

A Tire Killer is a security device installed in roadways or parking lots to prevent unauthorized vehicle access. It uses metal spikes or blades to puncture or damage vehicle tires, disabling the vehicle and preventing entry. It’s often used in high-security areas to prevent vehicle-borne threats and enhance perimeter security.

Crash Tested Static Bollards

Crash Tested Static Bollards are heavy-duty security devices that prevent unauthorized vehicle access and withstand high-speed impacts. They are typically used in high-security areas to prevent vehicle-borne threats and are made of heavy-duty materials, such as steel or concrete. They stop a vehicle upon impact, preventing further damage and protecting the surrounding area.

Raise Arm Barrier

A Raise Arm Barrier is a security device that is installed in roadways or parking lot entrances to prevent unauthorized vehicle access. These barriers typically consist of a horizontal arm that can be raised or lowered to allow or deny access. Raise Arm Barriers are often used in high-security areas, such as government buildings, military bases, and airports, to prevent vehicle-borne threats and to enhance perimeter security. They can be manually operated or automated and can be controlled by a remote or keypad.

Swing Gate

A Swing Gate is a type of gate that swings open and closed to allow access to a driveway or other entryway. These gates typically consist of one or two panels that are hinged on one side and swing open and closed on the other. Swing Gates can be made of various materials, such as wood, metal, or vinyl, and can be manual or automated. They are often used in residential or commercial settings to enhance security and provide a decorative entryway.

Fence Installation

Fence Installation services refer to the installation of fencing systems, such as wood, metal, vinyl, or chain-link fences, to provide security, privacy, or aesthetic enhancement to a property. These services include fence design, material selection, and installation. Fence Installation services are essential for enhancing the overall value and security of a property, reducing noise and visual pollution, and providing privacy and safety for homeowners or businesses.

Managed Network

Managed collaboration

Managed Collaboration services refer to the provision of a comprehensive suite of collaboration tools and technologies, such as messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, and project management tools, that are managed and maintained by a service provider. These services are essential for improving communication and collaboration among team members, increasing productivity, and reducing costs and complexity associated with managing multiple collaboration tools and technologies.

Managed data center

Managed Data Center services refer to the provision of a complete suite of data center services, including facility management, hardware and software maintenance, security, networking, and storage, that are managed and maintained by a service provider. These services are essential for ensuring the availability, security, and reliability of critical IT systems and applications, reducing operating costs, and allowing businesses to focus on their core operations.

Managed security

Managed Security services refer to the provision of a comprehensive suite of security solutions, such as risk assessmentsecurity policy development, access control, intrusion detection and prevention, and incident response, that are managed and maintained by a service provider. These services are essential for protecting IT infrastructure, data, and assets from security threats, reducing the burden on internal IT staff, and allowing businesses to focus on their core operations.

Cloud operation and hosting

Cloud Operation and Hosting services refer to the provision and management of cloud-based infrastructure, applications, and services, such as storage, computing, and networking, by a service provider. These services are essential for enabling businesses to access scalable and flexible IT resources on-demand, reducing the need for on-premises infrastructure, and providing high levels of security, reliability, and availability.

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